Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bargain Hunter

Okay, so I went into the pottery store and asked the owner what the story was behind the naked lady. She said "there is no story. We just asked someone to make it for us." So I have to conclude it is meant to lure customers into the pottery shop to ask about the naked lady and, once inside, shame them into buying something. Good strategy. This is what I bought:
The weather is finally warm enough for sitting outside, so Don pulled out the patio table and chairs and had some wine and cheese waiting for me when I returned from the shops. Here's a picture of our little enclosure. It's surrounded by a high wall and the red gate you see is the way out. We keep it locked and there's no doorbell on the other side, so we feel quite safe and we never have to answer the front door!
I`ve been watching a show called Bargain Hunters where teams of two go to an antique fair with 300 pounds to spend. They then try to sell the treasures they`ve bought at an auction. The team that makes the biggest profit wins. There are several antique shops in Bideford and I`m giving myself a budget of 10 pounds (about $16). I`ll show you tomorrow what I was able to come up with!

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