Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thoughts of home

Yesterday was a quiet day for us, so my thoughts turned to home. Emma had recently emailed with the news that she'd passed her "G" test and had a permanent driver's licence now. Congrats, sweetie! Kathleen regaled me with tales of the tours she's been giving in Ottawa to appreciative tourists. Don's brother Bob assured me that Buster the Beagle is having a great time in Napanee getting two walks a day and eating a healthy diet. I think this will be good for him. Here's a "before" picture:

Thinking of Buster, I went out and bought him a present I think he'll like:

It's a pheasant, by the way.

As I write this, we're driving to Tintagel, a destination suggested to me by my colleague Jane. The ancient castle there MAY be the original Camelot, but many locales in the U.K. lay claim to that distinction, so I'll be on the lookout for conclusive proof!

- Posted using BlogPress from my IPad



  1. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift from your girls! How sweet is THAT! YAY!

    Glad to hear that Buster is doing well; I'm sure any treat you bring home for him will help him along the path of forgiveness... seeing as this is a few times you've left him!

    Enjoy the jaunt to Tintagel, and please continue to post photos. It's such fun to come along on your journey!

  2. Thanks, Gillian. I hope Buster will forgive us. When I see all the dogs around here (the Brits take them for walks along the golf course) I wish I'd packed Bussie, too. He'd adore a holiday here!

  3. Hi Janet
    I had to wait until I used my home computer to see Buster and the pheasant..they got blocked at work.. not sure why?? :)#@(&^??
    Glad you made it to Tintagel, you seem to have solved the age long mystery of King Arthur.. yep lots of evidence!Great photos of the coast!

  4. Those photos were uploaded from the IPad--maybe in format that our network doesn't allow. Oh well. Glad you saw Buster. That was a really cute photo!
